1. When's the deadline to claim airdrop on Fantasy page? And what will happen after the deadline?

The airdrop claim deadline on the Fantasy page is January 1, 2025, subject to extension. Post-deadline, NFT minting remains free but without ENKI token claims; unclaimed tokens go to the ENKI treasury for community use.

  1. Will the NFT claimed on Fantasy page be used for other purposes?

The claimed NFT may boost staking and referral points or apply to future activities. Being non-transferable, it's secure against loss.

  1. What can I do with eMetis and seMetis?

eMetis, symbolizing staked Metis, supports DeFi protocol activities like trading, lending, or collateral. seMetis represents accruing rewards from staked eMetis, serving as a non-rebasing yield-generating token that might also engage in external DeFi protocols.

  1. Why take a dual token mechanism for eMetis/seMetis?

This mechanism resolves rebasing token compatibility issues in DeFi, maintaining broad protocol adaptability while ensuring user-friendliness. It allows eMetis holders to choose between liquidity provision or native reward earning via the seMetis vault.

  1. What can I do with the ENKI token?

ENKI token functionalities include governance participation, acting as a 'Reward Booster' in the vesting contract for full sequencer node rewards, and sharing future incentives or protocol revenues.

  1. How can I claim my eMetis rewards from the seMetis vault?

Claiming eMetis rewards involves interacting with the ENKI DApp's Stake/Unstake page, converting seMetis back to eMetis via the Unstake feature to realize accumulated rewards.

  1. How can I claim additional eMetis rewards from the vesting contract?

Upon unstaking seMetis to eMetis, 30% transfers to a vesting contract. Claim these by staking ENKI tokens into the contract for 90 days, with the option to claim vested eMetis anytime, noting that vesting pauses upon unstaking ENKI.

  1. How much ENKI tokens should I have for staking into the vesting contract?

Required ENKI tokens for vesting depend on eMetis amounts, with a 100:1 staking ratio on the mainnet. For vesting 10 eMetis, stake 1000 ENKI, vesting over 90 days.

  1. How can I redeem my eMetis back to Metis?

Until enabling direct redemption, swap eMetis for Metis on secondary markets (DEXes, etc.). Efforts are ongoing to enhance market liquidity and facilitate the withdrawal process.

  1. How’s the peg mechanism for eMetis and Metis?

The peg, akin to traditional finance’s fixed exchange rates, relies on reserve management to maintain the eMetis to Metis peg. Withdrawals are initially disabled to stabilize this peg, ensuring a controlled, stable transition to full operability.

  1. Why disable the withdrawal for eMetis to Metis at the initial phase and when to enable it?

Withdrawal suspension in the initial phase ensures platform stability and gradual adoption. The timing for enabling withdrawals will depend on platform readiness and user feedback, ensuring a secure transition to full functionality.

  1. Any restrictions to participate in ENKI protocols?

Participation is open to all, with no minimum staking limit. However, regional access restrictions may apply in the future due to policy variations.

Last updated