Boost Integrations

Users who deposit and provide liquidity in specific pools featuring ENKI, eMetis, and seMetis tokens can earn yield from those protocols while still accruing staking points with a boost. Here's an overview of the supported pools and guidelines for depositing to maximize rewards.

Boost Rules for eMetis&seMetis Liquidity

Details coming soon.

Boost Rules for ENKI Liquidity

For example, by depositing ENKI/Metis liquidity into Netswap, the boost you receive is solely based on the amount of ENKI tokens in the liquidity:

ENKI amount within the liquidityBoost tier

10 <= ENKI amount <= 200


200 < ENKI amount <= 400


400 < ENKI amount <= 600


600 < ENKI amount <= 1000


1000 < ENKI amount


For instance, Alice has minted 5 eMetis from the ENKI protocol and earns 500 staking points per day. She decides to provide liquidity in the ENKI/Metis pool on Netswap by depositing 50 ENKI tokens. Alongside, she matches this with an appropriate amount of Metis tokens to maintain value balance in the liquidity pool.

Based on her contribution of 50 ENKI tokens, Alice qualifies for the 2x boost tier. This adjustment boosts her daily staking points from 500 to 1000.

This boost reflects the additional value she contributes to the liquidity pool and incentivizes her continued participation in the ENKI liquidity.

Please be aware that the position of your ENKI holdings may be affected by impermanent loss, which might also impact your boost tier in volatile market conditions.

Current protocols integrations with points tracking



Earn staking points with a boost of up to 10x.

LPs who provide and stake their ENKI liquidity in Netswap's farm continue to earn:

  • Trading fees for LP

  • Incentives from Netswap farming

  • Boosted staking points (up to 10x)

Links for liquidity pools:

Action required to get boosted

  1. Stake your Metis with ENKI Protocol to mint eMetis first.

  2. Go to the DeFi tab and click the link that takes you directly to the Netswap pools

  3. Once on the Netswap pool page(take ENKI/Metis as an example), connect your wallet and add the amount of ENKI and Metis that you would like. This position will help you getting boosted according to the tier rules above.

  1. After you add ENKI liquidity, you can then stake to the farm pool to earn emissions provided by the pool.

  1. You are now staked your ENKI liquidity in the Netswap farm earning LP trading fees and incentives while earning boosted staking points.



This integration is coming soon and will offer staking points with a boost of up to 10x.

Last updated