
The Mint page allows users to stake Metis on a 1:1 basis and mint eMetis. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

Choose your preferred wallet and connect it to the platform.

Step 2: Stake Metis and Mint eMetis

Notice the tip "Earn double staking points at the pre-staking stage," highlighting a key advantage of early participation at pre-staking stage.

Enter the amount of Metis you wish to stake. The "MIN.RECEIVED" field will display the corresponding amount of eMetis you'll receive.

Click the "Mint & Stake" or "Mint Only"button to initiate the transaction:

"Mint & Stake" allows you to mint eMetis by staking your Metis and simultaneously stake the eMetis into the seMetis vault in a single transaction, resulting in seMetis being added to your wallet.

"Mint Only" simply mints eMetis by staking your Metis, with eMetis being deposited into your wallet as the outcome.

Confirm the transaction in the pop-up window. Once confirmed, the staking process is complete, and you'll start accruing staking points over time!

Tracking Your Staking Points

  1. Mint page - Your staking points are displayed in the right-side container under "Your Staking Point."

  1. Dropdown Menu - Access via the wallet address at the top right of the page.

  1. Portfolio page - Visit to view detailed staking information

Last, you can also navigate to the home page to check the total staking points accumulated by all users:

Last updated