
The Stake/Unstake page allows users to stake eMetis for seMetis or unstake seMetis to revert to eMetis. Here's a streamlined guide to both processes:

Staking eMetis

Step 1: Acquire eMetis

Obtain eMetis by staking Metis on the "Mint" page (see tutorial here) or purchase it on the secondary market once sufficient liquidity is available.

Step 2: Stake eMetis into the seMetis Vault

  • Enter the amount of eMetis you want to stake in the "MIN.RECEIVED" field to see the equivalent seMetis you will receive.

  • The right panel will display your pool share and the current eMetis to seMetis ratio.

  • Click "Approve," then "Stake" to initiate the transaction.

  • Confirm the transaction in the pop-up window. Once confirmed, the staking process completes, and seMetis will be added to your wallet. The ratio between eMetis and seMetis may update to reflect reward distributions, typically allowing 1 seMetis to be unstaked for more than 1 eMetis, reflecting accrued rewards.

Unstaking seMetis

Step 1: Switch to Unstake

Toggle to the "Unstake" option using the convert icon in the form.

Step 2: Unstake seMetis to Convert to eMetis

Input the seMetis amount you want to unstake. Below the input field, you'll see:

  • Estimated total converted eMetis

  • Estimated received eMetis

  • Estimated eMetis sent to vest, with vesting details available here.

These steps ensure you can efficiently manage your eMetis and seMetis, participating actively in the rewards and opportunities within the ENKI protocol.

Last updated